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28 lines
665 B

2 years ago
set terminal epslatex
set output './lab2.4.1-gnuplottex-fig1.tex'
set grid
#set xlabel '$ N $, Вт'
#set ylabel '$ \Delta T $, C'
set multiplot
set yrange [20:65]
set xrange [22:50]
set key spacing 2
set key bottom right
set key off
set style line 1 lt 1 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 1 pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 4 lc black
set key box linestyle 4
set key opaque Left
plot "PT.txt" using 1:2 notitle linestyle 1
plot "PT2.txt" using 1:2 notitle linestyle 2
#plot "2.1.1(q2).txt" using 1:2 notitle linestyle 2
#plot 3.68*x smooth csplines title "$ q_{1} $" linestyle 1, \
# 4.6*x smooth csplines title "$ q_{2} $" linestyle 2