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Pi-hole with cloudflared DoH (DNS-Over-HTTPS)

This example provides a base setup for using Pi-hole with the cloudflared DoH service. More details on how to customize the installation and the compose file can be found in Docker Pi-hole documentation.

Project structure:

├── .env
├── compose.yaml


    image: pihole/pihole:latest
      - "53:53/tcp"
      - "53:53/udp"
      - "67:67/udp"
      - "8080:80/tcp"
      - "8443:443/tcp"
    image: visibilityspots/cloudflared
      - "5054:5054/tcp"
      - "5054:5054/udp"



Before deploying this setup, you need to configure the following values in the .env file.

  • TZ (time zone)
  • PIHOLE_PW (admin password)
  • PIHOLE_ROUTER_IP (only needed for activated conditional forwarding)
  • PIHOLE_NETWORK_DOMAIN (only needed for activated conditional forwarding)
  • PIHOLE_HOST_IP (IPv4 address of your Pi-hole - needs to be static)
  • PIHOLE_HOST_IPV6 (IPv6 address of your Pi-hole - can be empty if you only use IPv4)

Conditional forwarding (optional, default: enabled)

If you would like to disable conditional forwarding, delete the environment variables starting with "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING"

Container DNS (optional, default: disabled)

In the docker compose file, dns is added as a comment. To enable dns remove '#' in front of the following lines:

    - # "Sets your container's resolve settings to localhost so it can resolve DHCP hostnames [...]" -
    - # Backup server 

Deploy with docker compose

When deploying this setup, the admin web interface will be available on port 8080 (e.g. http://localhost:8080/admin).

$ docker compose up -d
Starting cloudflared ... done
Starting pihole      ... done

Expected result

Check containers are running and the port mapping:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                            PORTS                                                                                                     NAMES
afcf5ca4214c   pihole/pihole:latest                  "/s6-init"               3 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds (health: starting)>53/udp,>53/tcp,>67/udp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp   pihole
dfd49ab7a372   visibilityspots/cloudflared           "/bin/sh -c '/usr/lo…"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds (health: starting)>5054/tcp,>5054/udp                                                            cloudflared

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser to access the installed Pi-hole web interface.

Stop the containers with

$ docker compose down
# To delete all data run:
$ docker compose down -v


- Starting / Stopping pihole-FTL loop:

Sometimes, it can happen that there occurs a problem starting pihole-FTL. I personally had this issue when adding this line to the shared volumes:

- "/pihole/pihole.log:/var/log/pihole.log"

To fix this issue, I found this issue, which suggested adding an empty file (touch /pihole/pihole.log) to prevent it from creating a directory. The directory would not allow starting pihole-FTL and result in something like this:

# Starting pihole-FTL (no-daemon) as root
# Stopping pihole-FTL

If you created an empty file, you may also check the ownership to prevent permission problems.

- Installing on Ubuntu may conflict with systemd-resolved - see Installing on Ubuntu for help.

- Environment variables are version-dependent

Environment variables like "CONDIIONAL_FORWARDING*" and "DNS1" are deprecated and replaced by e.g. "REV_SERVER*" and "PIHOLE_DNS" in version 5.8+. Current information about environment variables can be found here: