Add portable 2nd version

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Naumkin Vladimir 2024-04-18 15:59:22 +03:00
parent 53baea339b
commit 78764b4098
2 changed files with 363 additions and 3 deletions

app_local/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
#pip install pyinstaller
#pyinstaller -F -i "icon.ico"
#exe into dist folder
import numpy as np
import galois
import random
import getpass
import base64
def main():
def safe_start():
print("\nUnknown error (maybe ctrl+c), emergency exit!")
def start_menu():
f = True
print("\nA soldering iron is into a black hole.")
#thermorectal cryptanalysis
if myhash(getpass.getpass("Login: ")) != 1314399736851798576:
f = False
if myhash(getpass.getpass("Password: ")) != 192441972608755898:
f = False
if f:
print("Authorization successful, wait a bit.")
print("Permission denied.")
print("\nPress ENTER to exit.", end = '')
def menu():
order = 2 ** 8 # = p^m = 256 = byte size, we well encrypt each byte and save in base64 format
n = order - 1 # = 255, (order - 1) mod n = 0 for Reed Solomon code (below i will name it RScode), n mod 3 = 0 for base64
k = 210 #k mod 3 = 0 for base64, n >= k, RScode can correct (n - k) // 2 errors in message
#print(galois.GF(2 ** 8).properties) to know irreducible_poly and primitive_element (pyinstaller will not add database files)
#example of path to *.db files is C:\Python_3_12_2\Lib\site-packages\galois\_databases and (which opens the database) is also here
#maybe it is possible to use --add-data pyinstaller option, but I didn't figure out which paths to write so that galois could find the database
#you can write a function that changes the configuration of the cryptosystem, it is easy to change n and k and rebuild RScode during execution
#and if you understand how to add database files using Pyinstaller, you can change the order during portable execution too
#you can even use order = 2**7 (or any from 128 to 255 which is p^m where p is prime, m is natural) for ascii coding or make your own alphabet table
#but if you want to change the order, you will have to give up the wonderful storage of keys and messages in base64 format...
#...and use the first version of this program for saving raw integers (or reduce the order and abandon universal work for any encoding)
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! causes an error during portable execution if it cannot find the database, but there is a hint at the end of this file:
#Alternatively, you can find irreducible polynomials with galois.irreducible_poly(p, m) or primitive polynomials with galois.primitive_poly(p, m).
#maybe it the key to the solution of the database problem (as I understand, these functions don't use database), check it; and maybe verify = True
#nothing from the big comment above is needed if you don't want to build portable exe, just GF = galois.GF(order)
GF = galois.GF(2, 8, irreducible_poly = "x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1", primitive_element = "x", verify = False)
rs = galois.ReedSolomon(n, k, field = GF)
print("\nMcEliece cryptosystem implementation by vovuas2003.\n")
print("All necessary txt files must be located in the directory with this exe program.\n")
info = "Menu numbers: 0 = exit, 1 = generate keys, 2 = encrypt, 3 = decrypt,\n4 = restore pubkey, 5 = break privkey_s, 6 = break privkey_p; h = help.\n"
err = "Error! Check command info and try again!\n"
ok = "Operation successful.\n"
inp = [str(i) for i in range(7)] + ['h'] + ['1337']
while True:
s = input("Menu number: ")
while s not in inp:
s = input("Wrong menu number, h = help: ")
if s == 'h':
elif s == '0':
print("\nGood luck!")
elif s == '1':
print("This operation will rewrite pubkey.txt, privkey_s.txt and privkey_p.txt; are you sure?")
if(not get_yes_no()):
generate(n, k, GF, rs)
elif s == '2':
print("Write your text into text.txt; pubkey.txt is required, message.txt will be rewritten.")
if(not get_yes_no()):
encrypt(n, k, order, GF)
elif s == '3':
print("You need message.txt, privkey_s.txt and privkey_p.txt; text.txt will be rewritten.")
if(not get_yes_no()):
decrypt(n, k, GF, rs)
elif s == '4':
print("You need privkey_s.txt and privkey_p.txt; pubkey.txt will be rewritten.")
if(not get_yes_no()):
restore_G_(n, k, GF, rs)
elif s == '5':
print("You need pubkey.txt and privkey_p.txt; privkey_s.txt will be rewritten.")
if(not get_yes_no()):
break_S(n, k, GF)
elif s == '6':
print("You need pubkey.txt and privkey_s.txt; privkey_p.txt will be rewritten.")
if(not get_yes_no()):
break_P(n, k, GF, rs)
elif s == '1337':
c = input("Move the soldering iron into the black hole number: ")
print("Iron: 'I don't know this hole.'")
print("Impossible behaviour, mistake in source code!\nThe string allowed in the inp array is not bound to the call of any function!")
def get_yes_no():
s = input("Confirm (0 = go back, 1 = continue): ")
while s not in ['0', '1']:
s = input("Try again, 0 or 1: ")
return int(s)
def myhash(s, m = 2**61 - 1, p = 257):
a = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
a = ((a * p) % m + ord(s[i])) % m
return a
def PT(m):
M = 5
if m == 0:
print("Iron: 'OK, I will choose the number by myself.'")
while m == 0:
m = random.randint(-M, M)
s = "PT!"
p = " "
f = False
if m < 0:
s, p = p, s
m *= -1
f = True
if m > M:
print("Iron: 'Are you sure to move me so far?'")
if(not get_yes_no()):
if f:
print(p * (10 * m + 1))
print(p + (s * 3 + p + s * 3 + p + s + p) * m)
print(p + (s + p + s + p * 2 + s + p * 2 + s + p) * m)
print(p + (s * 3 + p * 2 + s + p * 2 + s + p) * m)
print(p + (s + p * 4 + s + p * 4) * m)
print(p + (s + p * 4 + s + p * 2 + s + p) * m)
if f:
print(p * (10 * m + 1))
def generate(n, k, GF, rs):
S = generate_S(k, GF)
G = rs.G
P, p = generate_P(n, GF)
G_ = S @ G @ P
def generate_S(k, GF):
S = GF.Random((k, k))
while np.linalg.det(S) == 0:
S = GF.Random((k, k))
return S
def generate_P(n, GF):
r = [i for i in range(n)]
p = []
for i in range(n):
p.append(r.pop(random.randint(0, n - 1 - i)))
P = GF.Zeros((n, n))
for i in range(n):
P[i, p[i]] = 1
return P, p
def write_pubkey(G_):
rows = [bytes(row) for row in G_]
output = "".join([base64.b64encode(row).decode() for row in rows])
with open("pubkey.txt", "w") as f:
def write_privkey_s(S):
rows = [bytes(row) for row in S]
output = "".join([base64.b64encode(row).decode() for row in rows])
with open("privkey_s.txt", "w") as f:
def write_privkey_p(p):
output = base64.b64encode(bytes(p)).decode()
with open("privkey_p.txt", "w") as f:
def read_pubkey(n, k):
with open("pubkey.txt", "r") as f:
out =
out = [int(i) for i in base64.b64decode(out)]
out = [out[i - n : i] for i in range(n, n * k + n, n)]
return out
def read_privkey_s(k):
with open("privkey_s.txt", "r") as f:
out =
out = [int(i) for i in base64.b64decode(out)]
out = [out[i - k : i] for i in range(k, k * k + k, k)]
return out
def read_privkey_p():
with open("privkey_p.txt", "r") as f:
out =
return [int(i) for i in base64.b64decode(out)]
def build_P(n, GF, p):
P = GF.Zeros((n, n))
for i in range(n):
P[i, p[i]] = 1
return P
def build_P_inv(n, GF, p):
P = GF.Zeros((n, n))
for i in range(n):
P[p[i], i] = 1
return P
def pad_message(msg: bytes, pad_size: int) -> list[int]:
padding = pad_size - (len(msg) % pad_size)
return list(msg + padding.to_bytes() * padding)
def unpad_message(msg):
padding_byte = msg[-1]
for i in range(1, padding_byte + 1):
if msg[-i] != padding_byte:
print("Wrong privkey!")
raise Exception()
return msg[: -padding_byte]
def encrypt(n, k, order, GF):
G_ = GF(read_pubkey(n, k))
with open("text.txt", "r") as f:
text =
text = text.encode()
out = ""
while len(text) > k - 1:
tmp = text[: k - 1]
text = text[k - 1 :]
out += encrypt_one(n, k, order, GF, G_, tmp)
out += encrypt_one(n, k, order, GF, G_, text)
with open("message.txt", "w") as f:
def encrypt_one(n, k, order, GF, G_, text):
msg = pad_message(text, k)
m = GF(msg)
c = m.T @ G_
t = (n - k) // 2
z = np.zeros(n, dtype = int)
p = [i for i in range(n)]
for i in range(t):
ind = p.pop(random.randint(0, n - 1 - i))
z[ind] += random.randint(1, order - 1)
z[ind] %= order
c = c + GF(z)
return base64.b64encode(bytes(c)).decode()
def decrypt(n, k, GF, rs):
S_inv = np.linalg.inv(GF(read_privkey_s(k)))
P_inv = GF(build_P_inv(n, GF, read_privkey_p()))
with open("message.txt", "r") as f:
msg =
msg = [int(i) for i in base64.b64decode(msg)]
msg = [msg[i - n : i] for i in range(n, len(msg) + n, n)]
msg = [decrypt_one(rs, S_inv, P_inv, GF(i)) for i in msg]
msg = [i for j in msg for i in j]
msg = bytes(msg).decode()
with open("text.txt", "w") as f:
def decrypt_one(rs, S_inv, P_inv, msg):
msg = msg @ P_inv
msg, e = rs.decode(msg, errors = True)
if e == -1:
print("Too many erroneous values in message!")
raise Exception()
msg = msg @ S_inv
msg = [int(i) for i in msg]
msg = unpad_message(msg)
return msg
def restore_G_(n, k, GF, rs):
S = GF(read_privkey_s(k))
G = rs.G
P = GF(build_P(n, GF, read_privkey_p()))
G_ = S @ G @ P
def break_S(n, k, GF):
G_ = GF(read_pubkey(n, k))
P_inv = GF(build_P_inv(n, GF, read_privkey_p()))
S = G_ @ P_inv
S = S[:, : k]
def break_P(n, k, GF, rs):
G_ = GF(read_pubkey(n, k))
S_inv = np.linalg.inv(GF(read_privkey_s(k)))
G = rs.G
G = G.T
G = [[int(i) for i in j] for j in G]
GP = S_inv @ G_
GP = [[int(i) for i in j] for j in GP]
p = [0 for i in range(n)]
f = False
for i in range(n):
f = False
for j in range(n):
if G[i] == GP[j]:
p[i] = j
f = True
if f:
print("Wrong pubkey and privkey_s combination!")
raise Exception()
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
McEliece cryptosystem implementation
McEliece cryptosystem implementation by vovuas2003
Update: portable version is available! All functions in one file. New features and some improvements!
Update 2: portable_v2 is available! Nice keys and message saving in base64 string format, so it is easy to integrate with other projects by a small change of read and write functions.
Instruction for old version below
0. pip install numpy and galois
1. - generate and save public and private keys
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ Hacker can get your private key if he will know a half of it (and, dec
Check to understand how hacker can do this.
0. build portable exe with pyinstaller
0. DONE!(in portable versions) build portable exe with pyinstaller
1. left part of G is E, because we use Reed-Solomon algo; so left part of S @ G is S and cutting right colomns works; my_fix(G) returns E and in break_S we needn't get inv(G), just S = my_fix(G_ @ inv(P)); try break_S with another (not Reed-Solomon) code (matrix G will be different; will my_fix(G) and my_fix(G_) return nonsingular matrices?; of course, rank(G) = rank(G_) = k and we can iterate through all possible combinations of column deletions and find one that does not lead to nonsingular matrices); another way to get S is calculating it row by row (solving k systems, each has n equations with k variables, k < n, but we need to do it in Galois Field)
2. DONE! check randomization during encode (add vector z, check
3. DONE! make presentation that explains McEliece cryptosystem
3. DONE!(Russian language) make presentation that explains McEliece cryptosystem