#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

using namespace std;

string repeat1(string_view s) {
    return string{s} + string{s};

void repeat2(string& s) {
    s += s;

void repeat3(string* s) {
    *s += *s;

string* repeat4(string_view s) {
    string* result = new string;
    *result = string{s} + string{s};
    return result;

int main() {
        string meow;
        cin >> meow;

        cout << "test of repeat1:" << endl << repeat1(meow) << endl;
        cout << "test of repeat2:" << endl << meow << endl;       

        cout << "test of repeat3:" << endl << meow << endl;       
        cout << "test of repeat4:" << endl << *repeat4(meow) << endl;       