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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define THR 32
#define MEM 128
#define REG 2
#define MAXTHR 1536
#define MAXMEM 49152
#define MAXREG 32768
int check_use(int x, const int frac);
int main() {
int reg, thr, mem;
int nbreg, nbmem, nbthr;
int nthr;
int min = 0;
freopen("", "r", stdin);
#ifndef _DEBUG
freopen("cuda.out", "w", stdout);
scanf("%d %d %d", &thr, &reg, &mem);
nthr = check_use(thr, THR);
nbthr = (int) MAXTHR / nthr;
nbreg = (int) MAXREG / (nthr*check_use(reg, REG));
nbmem = (int) MAXMEM / check_use(mem, MEM);
if ((nbthr <= nbreg) && (nbthr <= nbmem))
min = nbthr;
else if ((nbreg <= nbthr) && (nbreg <= nbmem))
min = nbreg;
else if ((nbmem <= nbthr) && (nbmem <= nbreg))
min = nbmem;
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf("used: %d %d %d\n", check_use(thr, THR), nthr*check_use(reg, REG), check_use(mem, MEM));
printf("By threads: %d, by registers: %d, by memory: %d\n", nbthr, nbreg, nbmem);
printf("%d", (int)round((thr*min*100)/(double)MAXTHR));
return 0;
int check_use(int x, const int frac) {
int real_x = frac;
while (1) {
real_x += frac;
if (real_x >= x) {
x = real_x;
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf("%d %d\n", x, real_x);
return x;