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module Main where
import Graphics.EasyPlot
-- Шаг сетки
delta = 0.001
-- Функция
u = sin
-- Точка
t = 0.5
-- Абсолютная погрешность
err = 10 ** (-3)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let res = map (\(x,y) -> (fromIntegral x,y)) $ calc u t
plot X11 $ Data2D [Style Lines] [] res
print res
calc u t = calc' 0 [] u t where
calc' n stat u t | err' < err = (n, err') : stat
| otherwise = (n, err') : calc' (n + 1) stat u t
where err' = abs (u t - maclaurin u t n)
factorial n | n < 2 = 1
| otherwise = n * factorial (n - 1)
diff u 0 h x = u x
diff u n h x = (u' (x + h) - u' (x - h)) / (2 * h) where
u' = diff u (n - 1) h
maclaurin u x 0 = u 0
maclaurin u x n = (x ** (fromIntegral n)) * (diff u n delta 0) / (fromIntegral $ factorial n) + maclaurin u x (n - 1)