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module Main where
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA
import Graphics.EasyPlot
data TriangType = Up | Low | None deriving Show
a n = build (n, n) $ gen n :: Matrix Double
gen n x y | x == (fromIntegral $ n - 1) = 1
| x == y = 1
| x < y = -1
| x > y = 0
luGet a = case lu a of
(l, u , p, s) -> (p, ((l, Low), (u, Up)))
solveTriang (a, t) f = case t of
Up -> let rs = toRows a in
calcu (cols a) (reverse rs) f
Low -> let rs = toRows a in
calcl (cols a) rs f
None -> error "Not triang"
calcu nrs rs f = calc' rs 0 [] where
calc' [] n us = us
calc' (r:rs) n us = calc' rs (n + 1) (ui : us) where
ui = (fi - (subVector 0 n $ vector us) <.> (subVector (nrs - n) n r)) / ri where
fi = f `atIndex` (nrs - n - 1)
ri = (r `atIndex` (nrs - n - 1))
calcl nrs rs f = calc' rs 0 [] where
calc' [] n us = reverse us
calc' (r:rs) n us = calc' rs (n + 1) (ui : us) where
ui = (fi - ((subVector 0 n $ vector $ reverse us) <.> (subVector 0 n r))) / ri where
fi = f `atIndex` n
ri = r `atIndex` n
-- Для вычисления числа обусловенности
norm1 = maximum . map (sum . map abs) . toLists
norm2 = norm1 . tr
norm3 m = sqrt $ maximum $ map magnitude $ toList $ eigenvalues $ m LA.<> (tr m)
mu norm m = norm m * (norm $ inv m)
collectDots norm 1 = [(0, mu norm (a 1))]
collectDots norm n = (fromIntegral n, mu norm (a n)) : collectDots norm (n - 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Пример решения системы n = 5
let m = a 5
let f = vector $ take 5 $ repeat 1
let v = vector $ solveTriang (fst $ snd $ luGet m) f
let u = solveTriang (snd $ snd $ luGet m) v
--print u :: Vector R
let dots = collectDots norm1 100
plot X11 $ Data2D [Title "norm1", Style Lines] [] dots
print dots