You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1578 lines
50 KiB

3 years ago
_lang_: "繁體中文"
headlineMisskey: "貼文連繫網路"
introMisskey: "歡迎! Misskey是一個開放原始碼且去中心化的社群網路。\n透過「貼文」分享周邊新鮮事並告訴其他人您的想法📡\n透過「情感」功能對大家的貼文表達情感👍\n一起來探索這個新的世界吧🚀"
monthAndDay: "{month}月 {day}日"
search: "搜尋"
notifications: "通知"
username: "使用者名稱"
password: "密碼"
forgotPassword: "忘記密碼"
fetchingAsApObject: "從聯邦宇宙取得中..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "知道了"
cancel: "取消"
enterUsername: "輸入使用者名稱"
renotedBy: "{user} 轉傳了"
noNotes: "無貼文。"
noNotifications: "沒有通知"
instance: "實例"
settings: "設定"
basicSettings: "基本設定"
otherSettings: "其他設定"
openInWindow: "在新視窗開啟"
profile: "個人檔案"
timeline: "時間軸"
noAccountDescription: "此用戶還沒有自我介紹"
login: "登入"
loggingIn: "登入中"
logout: "登出"
signup: "註冊"
uploading: "上傳中"
save: "儲存"
users: "使用者"
addUser: "新增使用者"
favorite: "我的最愛"
favorites: "我的最愛"
unfavorite: "從我的最愛中移除"
favorited: "已添加至我的最愛"
alreadyFavorited: "我的最愛中已存在。"
cantFavorite: "無法加入至我的最愛。"
pin: "置頂"
unpin: "取消置頂"
copyContent: "複製內容"
copyLink: "複製連結"
delete: "刪除"
deleteAndEdit: "刪除並編輯"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "要刪除並再次編輯嗎?此貼文的所有情感、轉發和回覆也將會消失。"
addToList: "加入至清單"
sendMessage: "發送訊息"
copyUsername: "複製使用者名稱"
searchUser: "搜尋使用者"
reply: "回覆"
loadMore: "載入更多"
showMore: "載入更多"
youGotNewFollower: "您有新的追隨者"
receiveFollowRequest: "您有新的追隨請求"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
mention: "提及"
mentions: "提及"
directNotes: "私訊"
importAndExport: "匯入與匯出"
import: "匯入"
export: "匯出"
files: "檔案"
download: "下載"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "確定要刪除檔案「{name}」嗎?使用此附件的貼文也會跟著消失。\n"
unfollowConfirm: "確定要取消追隨{name}嗎?"
exportRequested: "已請求匯出。這可能會花一點時間。結束後檔案將會被放到雲端裡。"
importRequested: "已請求匯入。這可能會花一點時間"
lists: "清單"
noLists: "你沒有任何清單"
note: "貼文"
notes: "貼文"
following: "追隨中"
followers: "追隨者"
followsYou: "追隨你的人"
createList: "建立清單"
manageLists: "管理清單"
error: "錯誤"
somethingHappened: "發生錯誤"
retry: "重試"
pageLoadError: "載入頁面失敗"
pageLoadErrorDescription: "這通常是因為網路錯誤或是瀏覽器快取殘留的原因。請先清除瀏覽器快取,稍後再重試"
enterListName: "輸入清單名稱"
privacy: "隱私"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "手動審核追隨請求"
defaultNoteVisibility: "預設可見性"
follow: "追隨"
followRequest: "追隨請求"
followRequests: "追隨請求"
unfollow: "取消追隨"
followRequestPending: "追隨許可批准中"
enterEmoji: "輸入表情符號"
renote: "轉發"
unrenote: "取消轉發"
renoted: "轉傳成功"
cantRenote: "無法轉發此貼文。"
cantReRenote: "無法轉傳之前已經轉傳過的內容。"
quote: "引用"
pinnedNote: "已置頂的貼文"
pinned: "置頂"
you: "您"
clickToShow: "按一下以顯示"
sensitive: "敏感內容"
add: "新增"
reaction: "情感"
reactionSettingDescription2: "拖動以重新列序,點擊以刪除,按下 + 添加。"
rememberNoteVisibility: "記住貼文可見性"
attachCancel: "移除附件"
markAsSensitive: "標記為敏感內容"
unmarkAsSensitive: "取消標記為敏感內容"
enterFileName: "請輸入檔案名稱"
mute: "靜音"
unmute: "解除靜音"
block: "封鎖"
unblock: "解除封鎖"
suspend: "凍結"
unsuspend: "解除凍結"
blockConfirm: "確定要封鎖此用戶?"
unblockConfirm: "確定解除封鎖此用戶?"
suspendConfirm: "確定凍結此帳號?"
unsuspendConfirm: "確定解凍此帳號?"
selectList: "選擇清單"
selectAntenna: "選擇天線"
selectWidget: "選擇小工具"
editWidgets: "編輯小工具"
editWidgetsExit: "完成"
customEmojis: "自訂表情符號"
emoji: "表情符號"
emojis: "表情符號"
emojiName: "表情符號名稱"
emojiUrl: "表情符號URL"
addEmoji: "加入表情符號"
settingGuide: "推薦設定"
cacheRemoteFiles: "緩存非遠程檔案"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "禁用此設定會停止遠端檔案的緩存,從而節省儲存空間,但資料會因直接連線從而產生額外連接數據。"
flagAsBot: "此使用者是機器人"
flagAsBotDescription: "如果本帳戶是由程式控制請啟用此選項。啟用後會作為標示幫助其他開發者防止機器人之間產生無限互動的行為並會調整Misskey內部系統將本帳戶識別為機器人"
flagAsCat: "此使用者是貓"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果想將本帳戶標示為一隻貓,請開啟此標示"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自動追隨中使用者的追隨請求"
addAccount: "添加帳戶"
loginFailed: "登入失敗"
showOnRemote: "轉到所在實例顯示"
general: "一般"
wallpaper: "桌布"
setWallpaper: "設定桌布"
removeWallpaper: "移除桌布"
searchWith: "搜尋: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "你沒有任何清單"
followConfirm: "你真的要追隨{name}嗎?"
proxyAccount: "代理帳號"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理帳號是在某些情況下充當其他伺服器用戶的帳號。例如,當使用者將一個來自其他伺服器的帳號放在列表中時,由於沒有其他使用者關注該帳號,該指令不會傳送到該伺服器上,因此會由代理帳戶關注。"
host: "主機"
selectUser: "選取使用者"
recipient: "收件人"
annotation: "註解"
federation: "站台聯邦"
instances: "實例"
registeredAt: "初次觀測"
latestRequestSentAt: "上次發送的請求"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "上次收到的請求"
latestStatus: "最後狀態"
storageUsage: "已使用容量"
charts: "圖表"
perHour: "每小時"
perDay: "每日"
stopActivityDelivery: "停止發送活動"
blockThisInstance: "封鎖此實例"
operations: "操作"
software: "軟體"
version: "版本"
metadata: "元資料"
withNFiles: "{n}個檔案"
monitor: "監視器"
jobQueue: "佇列"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU及記憶體用量"
network: "網路"
disk: "硬碟"
instanceInfo: "實例資訊"
statistics: "統計"
clearQueue: "清除佇列"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "確定要清除佇列嗎?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "未發佈的貼文將不會發佈。您通常不需要確認。"
clearCachedFiles: "清除快取資料"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "確定要清除所有遠端暫存資料嗎?"
blockedInstances: "已封鎖的實例"
blockedInstancesDescription: "請逐行輸入需要封鎖的實例。已封鎖的實例將無法與本實例進行通訊。"
muteAndBlock: "靜音和封鎖"
mutedUsers: "已靜音用戶"
blockedUsers: "已封鎖用戶"
noUsers: "沒有任何使用者"
editProfile: "編輯個人檔案"
noteDeleteConfirm: "確定刪除此貼文嗎?"
pinLimitExceeded: "不能置頂更多貼文了"
intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請建立管理員帳號!"
done: "完成"
processing: "處理中"
preview: "預覽"
default: "預設"
noCustomEmojis: "沒有自訂的表情符號"
noJobs: "沒有任務"
federating: "整合搜索中"
blocked: "已封鎖"
suspended: "已凍結"
all: "全部"
subscribing: "訂閱中"
publishing: "直播中"
notResponding: "沒有回應"
instanceFollowing: "追蹤實例"
instanceFollowers: "追蹤實例"
instanceUsers: "用戶"
changePassword: "修改密碼"
security: "安全性"
retypedNotMatch: "兩次輸入不一致。"
currentPassword: "目前密碼"
newPassword: "新密碼"
newPasswordRetype: "確認密碼"
attachFile: "上傳附件"
more: "更多!"
featured: "精選"
usernameOrUserId: "使用者名稱或使用者ID"
noSuchUser: "使用者不存在"
lookup: "查詢"
announcements: "公告"
imageUrl: "圖片URL"
remove: "刪除"
removed: "已刪除"
removeAreYouSure: "確定要刪掉「{x}」嗎?"
deleteAreYouSure: "確定要刪掉「{x}」嗎?"
resetAreYouSure: "確定要重設嗎?"
saved: "已儲存"
messaging: "傳送訊息"
upload: "上傳"
fromDrive: "從雲端空間"
fromUrl: "從URL"
uploadFromUrl: "從網址上傳"
uploadFromUrlDescription: "您要上傳的文件的URL"
uploadFromUrlRequested: "已請求上傳"
uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "還需要一些時間才能完成上傳。"
explore: "探索"
games: "Misskey 遊戲"
messageRead: "已讀"
noMoreHistory: "沒有更多歷史紀錄"
startMessaging: "開始傳送訊息"
nUsersRead: "{n}人已讀"
agreeTo: "我同意{0}"
tos: "使用條款"
start: "開始"
home: "首頁"
remoteUserCaution: "由於該使用者來自遠端實例,因此資訊可能非即時的。"
activity: "動態"
images: "圖片"
birthday: "生日"
yearsOld: "{age}歲"
registeredDate: "註冊日期"
location: "位置"
theme: "外觀主題"
themeForLightMode: "在淺色模式下使用的主題"
themeForDarkMode: "在黑暗模式下使用的主題"
light: "淺色"
dark: "黑暗"
lightThemes: "明亮主題"
darkThemes: "黑暗主題"
syncDeviceDarkMode: "將黑暗模式與設備設置同步"
drive: "雲端硬碟"
fileName: "檔案名稱"
selectFile: "選擇檔案"
selectFiles: "選擇檔案"
selectFolder: "選擇資料夾"
selectFolders: "選擇資料夾"
renameFile: "重新命名檔案"
folderName: "資料夾名稱"
createFolder: "新增資料夾"
renameFolder: "重新命名資料夾"
deleteFolder: "刪除資料夾"
addFile: "加入附件"
emptyDrive: "雲端硬碟為空"
emptyFolder: "資料夾為空"
unableToDelete: "無法刪除"
inputNewFileName: "輸入檔案名稱"
inputNewDescription: "請輸入新標題 "
inputNewFolderName: "輸入新資料夾的名稱"
circularReferenceFolder: "目標文件夾是您要移動的文件夾的子文件夾。"
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "此文件夾不是空的,無法刪除。"
copyUrl: "複製URL"
rename: "重新命名"
avatar: "大頭貼"
banner: "橫幅"
nsfw: "敏感內容"
whenServerDisconnected: "與伺服器的連接中斷時"
disconnectedFromServer: "與伺服器中斷連線"
reload: "重新整理"
doNothing: "無視"
reloadConfirm: "確定要重新整理嗎?"
watch: "關注"
unwatch: "取消追隨"
accept: "接受"
reject: "拒絕"
normal: "正常"
instanceName: "實例名稱"
instanceDescription: "實例說明"
maintainerName: "管理員名稱"
maintainerEmail: "管理員郵箱"
tosUrl: "服務條款URL"
thisYear: "本年"
thisMonth: "本月"
today: "本日"
dayX: "{day}日"
monthX: "{month}月"
yearX: "{year}年"
pages: "頁面"
integration: "整合"
connectService: "己連結"
disconnectService: "己斷開 "
enableLocalTimeline: "開啟本地時間軸"
enableGlobalTimeline: "啟用公開時間軸"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使您關閉了時間線功能,管理員和協調人仍可以繼續使用,以方便您。"
registration: "註冊"
enableRegistration: "開啟新使用者註冊"
invite: "邀請"
proxyRemoteFiles: "遠端代理檔案"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "啟用此設置後,由於超出存儲容量而未保存或刪除的遠程文件將被本地代理,並且將生成預覽圖。這不影響伺服器的存儲。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每個本地用戶的雲端空間大小"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每個非本地用戶的雲端容量"
inMb: "以Mbps為單位"
iconUrl: "圖像URL"
bannerUrl: "橫幅圖像URL"
backgroundImageUrl: "背景圖片的來源網址 "
basicInfo: "基本資訊"
pinnedUsers: "置頂用戶"
pinnedUsersDescription: "在「發現」頁面中使用換行標記想要置頂的使用者。"
pinnedPages: "釘選頁面"
pinnedPagesDescription: "輸入要固定至實例首頁的頁面路徑,以換行符分隔。"
pinnedClipId: "置頂的摘錄ID"
pinnedNotes: "已置頂的貼文"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "啟用 hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSiteKey: "網站金鑰"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "金鑰"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "啟用 reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "網站金鑰"
recaptchaSecretKey: "金鑰"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "使用多種驗證方式可能會造成干擾,您要關閉其他驗證方式嗎?您可以按“取消”保留多種驗證方式。"
antennas: "天線"
manageAntennas: "管理天線"
name: "名稱"
antennaSource: "接收來源"
antennaKeywords: "包含關鍵字"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "排除關鍵字"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "用空格分隔指定AND、用換行符分隔指定OR"
notifyAntenna: "通知有新貼文"
withFileAntenna: "僅帶有附件的貼文"
enableServiceworker: "開啟 ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "指定用換行符分隔的用戶名"
caseSensitive: "區分大小寫"
withReplies: "包含回覆"
connectedTo: "您的帳號已連接到以下社交帳號"
notesAndReplies: "貼文與回覆"
withFiles: "附件"
silence: "禁言"
silenceConfirm: "確定要禁言此用戶嗎?"
unsilence: "解除禁言"
unsilenceConfirm: "確定要解除禁言嗎?"
popularUsers: "熱門使用者"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "最近發文的使用者"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "新加入使用者"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "最近發現的使用者"
exploreUsersCount: "有{count}個使用者"
exploreFediverse: "探索聯邦世界"
popularTags: "熱門標籤"
userList: "清單"
about: "資訊"
aboutMisskey: "關於 Misskey"
administrator: "管理員"
token: "權杖"
twoStepAuthentication: "兩階段驗證"
moderator: "板主"
nUsersMentioned: "提到了{n}"
securityKey: "安全金鑰"
securityKeyName: "金鑰名稱"
registerSecurityKey: "註冊安全金鑰"
lastUsed: "上次使用"
unregister: "註銷帳號"
passwordLessLogin: "設置無密碼登入"
resetPassword: "重置密碼"
newPasswordIs: "新密碼為「{password}」"
reduceUiAnimation: "減少介面的動態視覺"
share: "分享"
notFound: "找不到"
notFoundDescription: "找不到與指定URL回應的頁面"
uploadFolder: "預設上傳資料夾"
cacheClear: "清除快取"
markAsReadAllNotifications: "標記所有通知為已讀"
markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "標記所有貼文為已讀"
markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "標記所有訊息為已讀"
help: "幫助"
inputMessageHere: "在此輸入訊息"
close: "關閉"
group: "群組"
groups: "群組"
createGroup: "創建群組"
ownedGroups: "擁有的群組"
joinedGroups: "群組成員"
invites: "邀請"
groupName: "群組名稱"
members: "成員"
transfer: "轉讓"
messagingWithUser: "傳送訊息給其他使用者"
messagingWithGroup: "發送訊息至群組"
title: "標題"
text: "文字"
enable: "啟用"
next: "下一步"
retype: "重新輸入"
noteOf: "{user}的貼文"
inviteToGroup: "邀請至群組"
maxNoteTextLength: "貼文的字數限制"
quoteAttached: "引用"
quoteQuestion: "是否要引用?"
noMessagesYet: "沒有訊息"
newMessageExists: "有新的訊息"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "只能加入一個附件"
signinRequired: "請先登入"
invitations: "邀請"
invitationCode: "邀請碼"
checking: "確認中"
available: "可用的"
unavailable: "不可用的"
usernameInvalidFormat: "可使用大小寫英文字母、數字和底線"
tooShort: "過短"
tooLong: "過長"
weakPassword: "密碼強度過弱"
normalPassword: "密碼強度普通"
strongPassword: "密碼強度高"
passwordMatched: "密碼一致"
passwordNotMatched: "密碼不一致"
signinWith: "以{x}登錄"
signinFailed: "登入失敗。 請檢查使用者名稱和密碼。"
tapSecurityKey: "點擊安全密鑰"
or: "或者"
language: "語言"
uiLanguage: "介面語言"
groupInvited: "您有新的群組邀請"
aboutX: "關於{x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "使用OS原生表情符號"
youHaveNoGroups: "找不到群組"
joinOrCreateGroup: "請加入現有群組,或創建新群組。"
noHistory: "沒有歷史紀錄"
signinHistory: "登入歷史"
disableAnimatedMfm: "禁用MFM動畫"
doing: "正在進行"
category: "類別"
tags: "標籤"
docSource: "文件來源"
createAccount: "建立帳戶"
existingAccount: "現有帳戶"
regenerate: "再生"
fontSize: "字體大小"
noFollowRequests: "沒有要求跟隨您的申請"
openImageInNewTab: "於新分頁中開啟圖片"
dashboard: "儀表板"
local: "本地"
remote: "遠端"
total: "合計"
weekOverWeekChanges: "與上週相比"
dayOverDayChanges: "與前一日相比"
appearance: "外觀"
clientSettings: "用戶端設定"
accountSettings: "帳號設定"
promotion: "推廣"
promote: "推廣"
numberOfDays: "有效天數"
hideThisNote: "隱藏此貼文"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "在時間軸上顯示熱門推薦"
objectStorage: "Object Storage (物件儲存)"
useObjectStorage: "使用Object Storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBucket: "儲存空間Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "請指定您正在使用的服務的存儲桶名稱。 "
objectStoragePrefix: "前綴"
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "它存儲在此前綴目錄下。"
objectStorageEndpoint: "端點Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "如要使用AWS S3請留空。否則請依照你使用的服務商的說明書進行設定以'<host>'或 '<host>:<port>'的形式設定端點Endpoint。"
objectStorageRegion: "地域Region"
objectStorageUseSSL: "使用SSL"
objectStorageUseProxy: "使用網路代理"
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "上傳時設定為\"public-read\""
serverLogs: "伺服器日誌"
deleteAll: "刪除所有記錄"
showFixedPostForm: "於時間軸頁頂顯示「發送貼文」方框"
newNoteRecived: "發現新的貼文"
sounds: "音效"
listen: "聆聽"
none: "無"
showInPage: "在頁面中顯示"
popout: "彈出型窗口"
volume: "音量"
masterVolume: "主音量"
details: "詳細資訊"
chooseEmoji: "選擇您的表情符號"
unableToProcess: "操作無法完成"
recentUsed: "最近使用"
install: "安裝"
uninstall: "解除安裝"
installedApps: "已授權的應用程式"
nothing: "未發現"
installedDate: "安裝時間"
lastUsedDate: "最後上線日期"
state: "狀態"
sort: "排序"
ascendingOrder: "昇冪"
descendingOrder: "降冪"
scratchpad: "暫存記憶體"
output: "輸出"
script: "腳本"
disablePagesScript: "停用頁面的AiScript腳本"
updateRemoteUser: "更新遠端使用者資訊"
deleteAllFiles: "刪除所有檔案"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "要删除所有檔案嗎?"
removeAllFollowing: "解除所有追蹤"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "解除{host}所有的追蹤。在實例不再存在時執行。"
userSuspended: "該使用者已被停用"
userSilenced: "該用戶已被禁言。"
divider: "分割線"
addItem: "新增項目"
rooms: "房間"
relays: "中繼"
addRelay: "新增中繼"
inboxUrl: "收件夾URL"
addedRelays: "已加入的中繼"
serviceworkerInfo: "您需要啟用推送通知"
deletedNote: "已删除的貼文"
invisibleNote: "隱藏的貼文"
enableInfiniteScroll: "啟用自動滾動頁面模式"
visibility: "可見性"
poll: "投票"
useCw: "隱藏內容"
enablePlayer: "打開播放器"
disablePlayer: "關閉播放器"
expandTweet: "展開推文"
themeEditor: "主題編輯器"
description: "描述"
describeFile: "添加標題 "
enterFileDescription: "輸入標題 "
author: "作者"
leaveConfirm: "有未保存的更改。要放棄嗎?"
manage: "管理"
plugins: "插件"
deck: "多欄模式"
undeck: "取消多欄模式"
useBlurEffectForModal: "在模態框使用模糊效果"
useFullReactionPicker: "使用全尺寸的反應選擇器"
width: "寬度"
height: "高度"
large: "大"
medium: "中"
small: "小"
permission: "權限"
enableAll: "啟用全部"
disableAll: "停用全部"
tokenRequested: "允許存取帳號"
notificationType: "通知形式"
edit: "編輯"
useStarForReactionFallback: "以★代替未知的表情符號"
emailServer: "電郵伺服器"
enableEmail: "啟用發送電郵功能"
emailConfigInfo: "用於確認電郵地址及密碼重置"
email: "電子郵件"
emailAddress: "電郵地址"
smtpConfig: "SMTP伺服器設定"
smtpHost: "主機"
smtpPort: "埠"
smtpUser: "使用者名稱"
smtpPass: "密碼"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "留空使用者名稱和密碼以關閉SMTP驗證。"
testEmail: "測試郵件發送"
wordMute: "靜音文字"
userSaysSomething: "{name}說了什麼"
makeActive: "啟用"
display: "檢視"
copy: "複製"
metrics: "指標"
overview: "概覽"
logs: "日誌"
delayed: "延遲"
database: "資料庫"
channel: "頻道"
create: "新增"
notificationSetting: "通知設定"
notificationSettingDesc: "選擇顯示通知的類型"
useGlobalSetting: "使用全域設定"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "啟用時,將使用帳戶通知設定。停用時,則可以單獨設定。"
other: "其他"
regenerateLoginToken: "重新產生登入權杖"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "重新產生用於登入的內部權杖。一般情況下是不需要這樣做的。一旦重產,所有裝置將會被登出。"
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "您可以使用空格分隔多個項目。"
fileIdOrUrl: "檔案ID或URL"
chatOpenBehavior: "開啟聊天窗口時的行為"
behavior: "行為"
sample: "範例"
abuseReports: "檢舉"
reportAbuse: "檢舉"
reportAbuseOf: "檢舉{name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "請填寫檢舉的詳細理由。可以的話請附上針對的URL網址。"
abuseReported: "回報已送出。感謝您的報告。"
send: "發送"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "處理完畢"
openInNewTab: "在新分頁中開啟"
openInSideView: "在側欄中開啟"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "默認導航"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "修改這些設定可能會毀損您的帳戶"
instanceTicker: "貼文的實例來源"
waitingFor: "等待{x}"
random: "隨機"
system: "系統"
switchUi: "切換界面"
desktop: "桌面"
clip: "摘錄"
createNew: "新建"
optional: "可選"
createNewClip: "建立新摘錄"
public: "公開"
i18nInfo: "Misskey已經被志願者們翻譯成各種語言版本如果想要幫忙的話可以進入{link}幫助翻譯。"
manageAccessTokens: "管理存取權杖"
accountInfo: "帳戶資訊"
notesCount: "貼文數量"
repliesCount: "回覆數量"
renotesCount: "轉發數量"
repliedCount: "回覆數量"
renotedCount: "轉發次數"
followingCount: "正在跟隨的用戶數量"
followersCount: "跟隨者數量"
sentReactionsCount: "情感發送次數"
receivedReactionsCount: "情感收到次數"
pollVotesCount: "已統計的投票數"
pollVotedCount: "已投票數"
yes: "確定"
no: "取消"
driveFilesCount: "雲端硬碟檔案數量"
driveUsage: "雲端硬碟使用量"
noCrawle: "拒絕搜尋引擎索引"
noCrawleDescription: "要求網路搜尋引擎不要索引你的個人資料頁、貼文及頁面等。"
lockedAccountInfo: "即使你通過了追隨者請求,除非你將貼文的可見性設定為 「追隨者」,否則任何人都能看見你的貼文。"
alwaysMarkSensitive: "默認將圖像/影像標記為敏感內容"
loadRawImages: "以原始圖檔顯示附件圖檔的縮圖"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "不播放動態圖檔"
verificationEmailSent: "已發送驗證電子郵件。請點擊進入電子郵件中的鏈接完成驗證。"
notSet: "未設定"
emailVerified: "已成功驗證您的電郵"
noteFavoritesCount: "我的最愛貼文的數目"
pageLikesCount: "頁面被按讚次數"
pageLikedCount: "頁面被按讚次數"
reversiCount: "黑白棋對戰次數"
contact: "聯絡人"
useSystemFont: "使用系統預設的字型"
clips: "摘錄"
experimentalFeatures: "實驗中的功能"
developer: "開發者"
makeExplorable: "使自己的帳戶能夠在“探索”頁面中顯示"
makeExplorableDescription: "如果關閉,帳戶將不會被顯示在\"探索\"頁面中。"
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "分開顯示時間線上的貼文。"
duplicate: "複製"
left: "左"
center: "置中"
wide: "寬"
narrow: "窄"
reloadToApplySetting: "設定將會在頁面重新載入之後生效。要現在就重載頁面嗎?"
showTitlebar: "顯示標題列"
clearCache: "清除快取資料"
onlineUsersCount: "{n}人正在線上"
nUsers: "{n}用戶"
nNotes: "{n}貼文"
sendErrorReports: "傳送錯誤報告"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "啟用後問題報告將傳送至開發者以提升軟體品質。問題報告可能包括OS版本瀏覽器類型行為歷史記錄等。"
myTheme: "我的佈景主題"
backgroundColor: "背景"
accentColor: "重點色彩"
textColor: "文字"
saveAs: "另存為..."
advanced: "進階"
value: "數值"
createdAt: "建立於"
updatedAt: "最後更新"
saveConfirm: "您要儲存變更嗎?"
deleteConfirm: "你確定要刪除嗎?"
invalidValue: "輸入值無效。"
registry: "登錄表"
closeAccount: "停用帳戶"
currentVersion: "目前版本"
latestVersion: "最新版本"
youAreRunningUpToDateClient: "您所使用的用戶端已經是最新的。"
newVersionOfClientAvailable: "新版本的用戶端可用。"
usageAmount: "使用量"
capacity: "容量"
inUse: "已使用"
editCode: "編輯代碼"
apply: "套用"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "接收由本實例發出的電郵通知"
emailNotification: "郵件通知"
publish: "發佈"
inChannelSearch: "頻道内搜尋"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "點擊右鍵開啟回應工具欄"
typingUsers: "{users}輸入中..."
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "跳轉到特定日期"
showingPastTimeline: "顯示過往的時間線"
clear: "清除"
markAllAsRead: "全部標示為已讀"
goBack: "返回"
unlikeConfirm: "要取消按讚嗎?"
fullView: "全熒幕顯示"
quitFullView: "退出全熒幕顯示"
addDescription: "添加描述"
userPagePinTip: "在貼文的選單中選擇\"置頂\",即可置頂該貼文至您的個人檔案頁面。"
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "此貼文有未指定的提及"
info: "資訊"
userInfo: "用戶資料"
unknown: "未知"
onlineStatus: "在線狀態"
hideOnlineStatus: "隱藏在線狀態"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "隱藏在線狀態後,可能會降低檢索等功能的便利性。"
online: "線上"
active: "最近活躍"
offline: "離線"
notRecommended: "不推薦"
botProtection: "Bot防護"
instanceBlocking: "已封鎖的實例"
selectAccount: "選擇帳戶"
enabled: "已啟用"
disabled: "已停用"
quickAction: "快捷操作"
user: "使用者"
administration: "管理"
accounts: "帳戶"
switch: "切換"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "尚未設定管理員信息。"
noBotProtectionWarning: "尚未設定Bot防護。"
configure: "設定"
postToGallery: "發佈到相簿"
gallery: "相簿"
recentPosts: "最新貼文"
popularPosts: "熱門的貼文"
ads: "廣告"
expiration: "期限"
memo: "備忘錄"
priority: "優先級"
high: "高"
middle: "中"
low: "低"
emailNotConfiguredWarning: "沒有設定電子郵件地址"
ratio: "%"
global: "公開"
sent: "發送"
hashtags: "#tag"
hide: "隱藏"
public: "發佈"
back: "返回"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "降低此廣告的頻率 "
enterEmail: "請輸入您的帳戶註冊的電子郵件地址。 密碼重置連結將被發送到該電子郵件地址。"
ifNoEmail: "如果您還沒有註冊您的電子郵件地址,請聯繫管理員。 "
contactAdmin: "此實例不支持電子郵件,請聯繫您的管理員重置您的密碼。 "
my: "我的貼文"
liked: "喜歡的貼文"
like: "讚"
unlike: "收回喜歡"
title: "您有新的追隨者"
title: "收到追隨請求"
install: "安裝外掛組件"
installWarn: "請不要安裝來源不明的外掛組件。"
manage: "管理插件"
scope: "範圍"
key: "機碼"
keys: "機碼"
domain: "域"
createKey: "新增機碼"
about: "Misskey是由syuilo自2014年起開發的開源軟體。"
contributors: "主要貢獻者"
allContributors: "全體貢獻人員"
source: "原始碼"
translation: "翻譯Misskey"
donate: "贊助Misskey"
morePatrons: "還有許許多多幫助我們的其他人,非常感謝你們。 🥰"
patrons: "贊助者"
respect: "隱藏敏感內容"
ignore: "不隱藏敏感內容"
force: "隱藏所有內容"
cheatSheet: "MFM代碼小抄"
intro: "MFM是Misskey專用的標記語言可以在Misskey中的各個位置使用。 您可以這裏看到MFM可用語法列表。"
dummy: "Misskey拓展了Fediverse的世界"
mention: "提及"
mentionDescription: "透過 @+用戶名 來標示特定使用者。"
hashtag: "#tag"
hashtagDescription: "可以使用\"#\"符號後加文字表示話題標籤。"
url: "URL"
urlDescription: "可以展示URL位址。"
link: "鏈接"
linkDescription: "您可以將特定範圍的文章與 URL 相關聯。 "
bold: "粗體"
small: "縮小"
center: "置中"
inlineCode: "程式碼(内嵌)"
blockCode: "程式碼(區塊)"
inlineMath: "數學公式(內嵌)"
inlineMathDescription: "顯示內嵌的KaTex數學公式。"
blockMath: "數學公式(方塊)"
quote: "引用"
emoji: "自訂表情符號"
emojiDescription: "您可以通過將自定義表情符號名稱括在冒號中來顯示自定義表情符號。 "
search: "搜尋"
searchDescription: "您可以顯示所輸入的搜索框。"
flip: "翻轉"
flipDescription: "將內容上下或左右翻轉。"
jelly: "動畫(果凍)"
jellyDescription: "顯示果凍一樣的動畫效果。"
jump: "動畫(跳動)"
bounce: "動畫(反彈)"
shake: "動畫(搖晃)"
twitch: "動畫(顫抖)"
twitchDescription: "顯示強烈顫抖的動畫效果。"
spin: "動畫(旋轉)"
spinDescription: "顯示旋轉的動畫效果。"
x2: "大"
x3: "較大"
x3Description: "放大顯示內容。"
x4: "最大"
x4Description: "將顯示內容放至最大。"
blur: "模糊"
font: "字型"
fontDescription: "您可以設定顯示內容的字型"
rotate: "旋轉"
reversi: "黑白棋"
gameSettings: "對弈設定"
chooseBoard: "選擇棋盤"
blackOrWhite: "黑棋/白棋"
blackIs: "{name}在玩黑棋"
rules: "規則"
botSettings: "機器人設定"
thisGameIsStartedSoon: "遊戲即將開始"
waitingForOther: "等待對手準備"
waitingForMe: "等待您的準備"
waitingBoth: "請準備"
ready: "已就緒"
cancelReady: "重新準備"
opponentTurn: "對手回合"
myTurn: "你的回合"
turnOf: "{name}的回合"
pastTurnOf: "{name}的回合"
surrender: "認輸"
surrendered: "對手認輸"
drawn: "平手"
won: "{name}獲勝"
black: "黑"
white: "白"
total: "合計"
turnCount: "{count}回合"
myGames: "我的對弈"
allGames: "所有對弈"
ended: "已結束"
playing: "正在對弈"
loopedMap: "循環棋盤"
none: "隱藏"
remote: "向遠端使用者顯示"
always: "總是顯示"
reload: "自動重載"
dialog: "彈出式警告"
quiet: "非侵入式警告"
create: "建立頻道"
edit: "編輯頻道"
setBanner: "設定橫幅圖像"
removeBanner: "移除橫幅圖像"
featured: "熱門貼文"
owned: "管理中"
following: "關注中"
usersCount: "有{n}人參與"
notesCount: "有{n}個貼文"
hide: "隱藏"
muteWords: "加入靜音文字"
softDescription: "隱藏時間軸中指定條件的貼文。"
mutedNotes: "已靜音的貼文"
explore: "取得佈景主題"
install: "安裝佈景主題"
manage: "佈景主題管理員"
code: "主題代碼"
description: "描述"
installed: "{name}已安裝"
installedThemes: "已經安裝的主題"
builtinThemes: "標準主題"
alreadyInstalled: "此主題已經安裝"
invalid: "主題格式錯誤"
make: "製作主題"
base: "基於"
constant: "常數"
defaultValue: "預設值"
color: "顏色"
refProp: "查看屬性 "
key: "按鍵"
func: "函数"
funcKind: "功能類型"
argument: "參數"
basedProp: "要基於的屬性的名稱 "
alpha: "透明度"
darken: "暗度"
lighten: "亮度"
accent: "重點色彩"
bg: "背景"
fg: "文本"
focus: "聚焦"
indicator: "指標"
panel: "面板"
shadow: "陰影"
header: "標題"
navBg: "側邊欄的背景 "
navFg: "側邊欄的文字"
navHoverFg: "側邊欄文字(懸停) "
navActive: "側邊欄文本 (活動)"
navIndicator: "側邊欄指示符"
link: "鏈接"
hashtag: "#tag"
mention: "提到"
mentionMe: "提到了我"
renote: "轉發貼文"
divider: "分割線"
scrollbarHandle: "捲動條"
scrollbarHandleHover: "捲動條 (漂浮)"
dateLabelFg: "日期標籤文字"
infoBg: "資訊背景"
infoFg: "資訊內容"
infoWarnBg: "警告背景"
infoWarnFg: "警告字元"
cwBg: "CW 按鈕背景"
cwFg: "CW 按鈕文本"
cwHoverBg: "CW 按鈕背景 (漂浮)"
toastBg: "通知背景"
toastFg: "通知文本"
buttonBg: "按鈕背景"
buttonHoverBg: "按鈕背景 (漂浮)"
inputBorder: "輸入框邊框"
listItemHoverBg: "列表物品背景 (漂浮)"
driveFolderBg: "雲端硬碟文件夾背景"
wallpaperOverlay: "壁紙覆蓋層"
badge: "獎章"
messageBg: "私訊背景"
accentDarken: "強調色(偏暗)"
accentLighten: "強調色(明亮)"
fgHighlighted: "高亮顯示文本"
note: "貼文"
noteMy: "我的貼文"
notification: "通知"
chat: "傳送訊息"
chatBg: "聊天背景"
antenna: "天線接收"
channel: "頻道通知"
unknown: "未知"
future: "未來"
justNow: "剛剛"
secondsAgo: "{n}秒前"
minutesAgo: "{n}分鐘前"
hoursAgo: "{n}小時前"
daysAgo: "{n}天前"
weeksAgo: "{n}周前"
monthsAgo: "{n}個月前"
yearsAgo: "{n}年前"
second: "秒"
minute: "分鐘"
hour: "小時"
day: "日"
title: "Misskey使用方法"
step1_1: "歡迎!"
step1_2: "此為「時間軸」頁面,它會按照時間順序顯示你「追隨」的人發出的「貼文」"
step1_3: "由於你沒有發佈任何貼文,也沒有追隨任何人,所以你的時間軸目前是空的。"
step2_1: "在發文或追隨其他人之前先讓我們設定一下個人資料吧。"
step2_2: "提供一些關於自己的資訊來讓其他人更有追隨你的意願。"
step3_1: "個人資料都設定好了嗎?"
step3_2: "接下來,讓我們來試試看發個文,按一下畫面上的鉛筆圖示來開始"
step3_3: "輸入完內容後,按視窗右上角的按鈕來發文"
step3_4: "不知道該寫什麼內容嗎試試看「開始使用Misskey了」如何。"
step4_1: "貼文發出去了嗎?"
step4_2: "如果你的貼文出現在時間軸上,就代表發文成功。"
step5_1: "現在試試看追隨其他人來讓你的時間軸變得更生動吧。"
step5_2: "你會在{featured}上看到受歡迎的貼文,你也可以從列表中追隨你喜歡的人,或者在{explore}上找到熱門使用者。"
step5_3: "想要追隨其他人,只要點擊他們的大頭貼並按「追隨」即可。"
step5_4: "如果使用者的名字旁有鎖頭的圖示,代表他們需要手動核准你的追隨請求。"
step6_1: "現在你可以在時間軸上看到其他用戶的貼文。"
step6_2: "你也可以對別人的貼文作出「情感」,作出簡單的回覆。"
step6_3: "在他人的貼文按下\"+\"圖標,即可選擇喜好的表情符號進行回應。"
step7_1: "以上為Misskey的基本操作說明教學在此告一段落。辛苦了。"
step7_2: "歡迎到{help}來瞭解更多Misskey相關介紹。"
step7_3: "那麼祝您在Misskey玩的開心~ 🚀"
alreadyRegistered: "此設備已經被註冊過了"
registerDevice: "註冊裝置"
registerKey: "註冊鍵"
step1: "首先,在您的設備上安裝二步驗證程式,例如{a}或{b}。"
step2: "然後掃描螢幕上的QR code。"
"read:account": "查看帳戶信息"
"write:account": "更改帳戶信息"
"read:blocks": "已封鎖用戶名單"
"write:blocks": "編輯已封鎖用戶名單"
"read:drive": "存取雲端硬碟"
"write:drive": "編輯雲端硬碟的檔案"
"read:favorites": "瀏覽我的最愛"
"write:favorites": "編輯我的最愛列表"
"read:following": "查看追隨中的用戶資訊"
"write:following": "追隨/解除追隨"
"read:messaging": "顯示訊息"
"write:messaging": "撰寫或刪除私人訊息"
"read:mutes": "顯示已靜音列表"
"write:mutes": "編輯已靜音列表"
"write:notes": "撰寫或刪除貼文"
"read:notifications": "查看通知"
"write:notifications": "編輯通知"
"read:reactions": "查看情感"
"write:reactions": "編輯情感"
"write:votes": "投票"
"read:pages": "顯示頁面"
"write:pages": "編輯頁面"
"read:page-likes": "顯示已按讚的頁面"
"write:page-likes": "編輯頁面上喜歡"
"read:user-groups": "顯示使用者群組"
"write:user-groups": "編輯使用者群組"
"read:channels": "已查看的頻道"
"write:channels": "編輯頻道"
shareAccess: "要授權「“{name}”」存取您的帳戶嗎?"
shareAccessAsk: "您確定要授權這個應用程式使用您的帳戶嗎?"
permissionAsk: "此應用程式需要以下權限"
pleaseGoBack: "請返回至應用程式"
callback: "回到應用程式"
denied: "拒絕訪問"
all: "全部貼文"
homeTimeline: "來自已追隨使用者的貼文"
users: "來自特定使用者的貼文"
userList: "來自特定清單中的貼文"
userGroup: "來自特定群組的貼文"
sunday: "週日"
monday: "週一"
tuesday: "週二"
wednesday: "週三"
thursday: "週四"
friday: "週五"
saturday: "週六"
memo: "備忘錄"
notifications: "通知"
timeline: "時間軸"
calendar: "行事曆"
trends: "發燒貼文"
clock: "時鐘"
rss: "RSS閱讀器"
activity: "動態"
photos: "照片"
digitalClock: "電子時鐘"
federation: "聯邦宇宙"
postForm: "發佈窗口"
slideshow: "幻燈片"
button: "按鈕"
onlineUsers: "線上的用戶"
jobQueue: "佇列"
serverMetric: "服務器指標 "
hide: "隱藏"
show: "瀏覽更多"
chars: "{count}字元"
files: "{count} 個檔案"
noOnlyOneChoice: "至少需要兩個選項。"
choiceN: "選擇{n}"
noMore: "沒辦法再添加選項了"
canMultipleVote: "可以多次投票"
expiration: "期限"
infinite: "無期限"
at: "結束時間"
after: "進度指定 "
deadlineDate: "截止日期"
deadlineTime: "小時"
duration: "時長"
votesCount: "{n}票"
totalVotes: "一共{n}票"
vote: "投票"
showResult: "顯示結果"
voted: "已投票"
closed: "已結束"
remainingDays: "{d}天{h}小時後結束"
remainingHours: "{h}小時{m}分後結束"
remainingSeconds: "{s}秒後截止"
public: "公開"
publicDescription: "發布給所有用戶 "
home: "首頁"
followers: "追隨者"
specified: "指定使用者"
specifiedDescription: "僅發送至指定使用者"
localOnly: "僅限本地"
localOnlyDescription: "對遠端使用者隱藏"
replyPlaceholder: "回覆此貼文..."
quotePlaceholder: "引用此貼文..."
channelPlaceholder: "發佈到頻道"
a: "今天過得如何?"
b: "有什麼新鮮事嗎?"
c: "有什麼新鮮想法嗎?"
d: "想要發布些什麼嗎?"
e: "寫些什麼吧..."
f: "期待你發佈的內容..."
name: "名稱"
username: "使用者名稱"
description: "關於我"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "你也可以在「關於我」中加上 #tag"
metadata: "進階資訊"
metadataEdit: "編輯進階資訊"
metadataLabel: "標籤"
metadataContent: "内容"
changeAvatar: "更換大頭貼"
changeBanner: "變更橫幅圖像"
allNotes: "所有貼文"
followingList: "追隨中"
muteList: "靜音"
blockingList: "封鎖"
userLists: "清單"
usersIncDec: "使用者増減"
usersTotal: "使用者合共"
activeUsers: "活躍使用者"
notesIncDec: "貼文増減"
localNotesIncDec: "本地貼文増減"
remoteNotesIncDec: "遠端貼文數目增减"
notesTotal: "貼文合共"
filesIncDec: "檔案増減"
filesTotal: "累計檔案"
storageUsageIncDec: "儲存空間的増減"
storageUsageTotal: "已使用的儲存空間合共"
requests: "請求"
users: "使用者増減"
usersTotal: "總計使用者"
notes: "貼文増減"
notesTotal: "累計貼文"
ff: "追隨/追隨者的増減"
ffTotal: "追隨/追隨者累計"
cacheSize: "增加或減少快取用量"
cacheSizeTotal: "快取大小總計"
files: "檔案數量的増減"
filesTotal: "檔案數量總計"
home: "首頁"
local: "本地"
social: "社群"
global: "公開"
roomOf: "{user}的房間"
addFurniture: "擺放家具"
translate: "移動 "
rotate: "旋轉"
exit: "返回"
remove: "移除"
clear: "全部移除"
clearConfirm: "確定要移除全部家具嗎?"
leaveConfirm: "修改未儲存,是否要離開?"
chooseImage: "選擇圖像"
roomType: "房間種類"
carpetColor: "地板顏色"
default: "預設"
washitsu: "和室"
milk: "牛奶盒"
bed: "床"
low-table: "咖啡桌"
desk: "書桌"
chair: "椅子"
chair2: "椅子2"
fan: "通風機"
pc: "電腦"
plant: "觀葉植物"
plant2: "觀葉植物2"
eraser: "橡皮擦"
pencil: "鉛筆"
pudding: "布丁"
cardboard-box: "紙板箱"
cardboard-box2: "紙板箱2"
cardboard-box3: "紙板箱3"
book: "讀物"
book2: "讀物2"
piano: "鋼琴"
server: "伺服器"
moon: "月亮"
corkboard: "木栓板"
mousepad: "滑鼠墊"
monitor: "監視器"
keyboard: "鍵盤"
carpet-stripe: "條紋地毯"
mat: "地毯"
color-box: "層架"
wall-clock: "壁鐘"
photoframe: "相框"
cube: "立方體"
tv: "電視"
pinguin: "企鵝蠟像"
rubik-cube: "魔術方塊"
poster-h: "海報(橫向)"
poster-v: "海報(直向)"
sofa: " 沙發"
spiral: "螺旋式樓梯"
bin: "垃圾箱"
cup-noodle: "杯面"
holo-display: "投影機"
energy-drink: "能量飲料"
doll-ai: "小藍的人偶公仔"
banknote: "大疊鈔票"
newPage: "建立頁面"
editPage: "編輯頁面"
readPage: "正檢視原始碼"
created: "頁面已建立"
updated: "頁面已更新"
deleted: "頁面已被刪除"
pageSetting: "頁面設定"
nameAlreadyExists: "指定的頁面URL已經存在"
invalidNameTitle: "指定的頁面URL無效"
invalidNameText: "請確定是否為非空白"
editThisPage: "編輯此頁面"
viewSource: "檢視原始碼"
viewPage: "顯示頁面"
like: "喜歡"
unlike: "收回喜歡"
my: "我的頁面"
liked: "已喜歡的頁面"
featured: "人氣"
inspector: "面板檢查"
contents: "內容"
content: "頁面方塊"
variables: "變數"
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url: "頁面網址"
summary: "頁面摘要"
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hideTitleWhenPinned: "被置頂於個人資料時隱藏頁面標題"
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fontSansSerif: "無襯線體"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "設定封面影像"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "刪除封面影像"
chooseBlock: "新增方塊"
selectType: "選擇類型"
enterVariableName: "請輸入變數名稱"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "變數名稱已被佔用"
contentBlocks: "內容"
inputBlocks: "輸入"
specialBlocks: "特殊"
text: "字串"
textarea: "字串區域"
section: "區段"
image: "圖片"
button: "按鈕"
if: "如果"
variable: "變數"
post: "發佈窗口"
text: "内容"
attachCanvasImage: "附加相簿圖像 "
canvasId: "畫布ID"
textInput: "插入字串"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
textareaInput: "多行文字输入"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
numberInput: "輸入數值"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
canvas: "畫布"
id: "畫布ID"
width: "寬度"
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note: "嵌式貼文"
id: "貼文ID"
idDescription: "您也可以粘貼筆記 URL 並進行設置。 "
detailed: "顯示詳細內容"
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name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
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name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
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text: "標題"
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dialog: "顯示對話框 "
content: "内容"
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pushEvent: "發送事件"
event: "事件名稱"
message: "按下時顯示的消息 "
variable: "要發送的變數"
no-variable: "沒有"
callAiScript: "調用AiScript"
functionName: "函數名稱"
radioButton: "選項"
name: "變數名稱"
title: "標題"
values: "由換行符分隔的選項"
default: "預設值"
flow: "控制"
logical: "邏輯運算"
operation: "計算"
comparison: "對比"
random: "隨機"
value: "數值 "
fn: "函数"
text: "文本操作"
convert: "轉換"
list: "清單"
text: "字串"
multiLineText: "字串(多行)"
textList: "字串串列"
info: "請分開每個換行符 "
strLen: "字串長度"
arg1: "字串"
strPick: "提取字元"
arg1: "字串"
arg2: "字元位置"
strReplace: "替換字串"
arg1: "字串"
arg2: "替換前"
arg3: "替換後"
strReverse: "倒轉字串"
arg1: "字串"
join: "合併字串"
arg1: "清單"
arg2: "分隔字元"
add: "加"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "减去"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "乘"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "除"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "餘數"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "四舍五入"
arg1: "數值"
eq: "A和B相等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A和B不等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A和B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A或B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A小於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A大於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A小於或等於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A大於或等於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分支"
arg1: "如果"
arg2: "如果"
arg3: "除此以外 "
not: "否"
arg1: "否"
random: "隨機"
arg1: "機率"
rannum: "亂數"
arg1: "下限"
arg2: "上限"
randomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇 "
arg1: "清單"
dailyRandom: "隨機(使用者每日變化 )"
arg1: "機率"
dailyRannum: "亂數(使用者每日變化)"
arg1: "下限"
arg2: "上限"
dailyRandomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇(使用者每日變化 "
arg1: "清單"
seedRandom: "隨機抽選種子碼"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "機率"
seedRannum: "亂數 (種子)"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "最小值"
arg3: "最大值"
seedRandomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇 (種子)"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "清單"
arg1: "字串串列"
pick: "從清單中選取"
arg1: "清單"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "取得清單長度"
arg1: "清單"
number: "數值"
stringToNumber: "將字串轉換至數値"
arg1: "字串"
numberToString: "將數値轉換至字串"
arg1: "數值"
splitStrByLine: "於換行時分割字串"
arg1: "字串"
ref: "變數"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript的變數"
fn: "函数"
slots: "欄位"
slots-info: "用換行符分隔每個欄位"
arg1: "輸出"
for: "重複 "
arg1: "重複次數"
arg2: "處理"
string: "字串"
number: "数值"
boolean: "標記"
array: "清單"
stringArray: "字串列表"
emptySlot: "空欄位"
enviromentVariables: "環境變數"
pageVariables: "頁面元素"
argVariables: "輸入欄位"
requesting: "等待核准"
accepted: "已通過核准"
rejected: "已拒絕"
fileUploaded: "上傳檔案成功。"
youGotMention: "{name}提及到您"
youGotReply: "{name}回覆了您"
youGotQuote: "{name}引用了您"
youRenoted: "{name} 轉發了你的貼文"
youGotPoll: "{name}已投票"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youWereFollowed: "您有新的追隨者"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "您有新的追隨請求"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "您的追隨請求已通過"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "您有新的群組邀請"
all: "全部 "
follow: "追隨中"
mention: "提及"
reply: "回覆"
renote: "轉發貼文"
quote: "引用"
reaction: "反應"
pollVote: "統計已投票數"
receiveFollowRequest: "已收到追隨請求"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
groupInvited: "加入社群邀請"
app: "應用程式通知"
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columnMargin: "列之間的邊距"
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addColumn: "新增欄位"
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swapRight: "向右移動"
swapUp: "往上移動"
swapDown: "往下移動"
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popRight: "向右彈出"
profile: "個人檔案"
main: "主列"
widgets: "小工具"
notifications: "通知"
tl: "時間軸"
antenna: "天線"
list: "清單"
mentions: "提及"
direct: "指定使用者"